LEADING OUR PROFESSION Through Labor-Management Partnerships
You are invited to attend the MASE TURN Meeting on May 30, 2015 in Forestville, MD, hosted by Prince George’s County Educators’ Association. We are excited to be able to provide this opportunity to bring together collaborative teams of union and management from the Mid-Atlantic region states to examine programs, policies and practices that impact teaching effectiveness and student learning.
WHAT One-Day Labor-Management Meeting for Mid-Atlantic TURN teams focusing on the following topics:
- Changing Roles, Policies and Practices in Public Education
- Lessons Learned from Peer Assistance and Review
- Improving Student Learning Through Collaborative Discussions
WHEN May 30, 2015, 9:00am-3:00pm. Registration begins at 8:30am.
WHERE PGCEA Center, 8008 Marlboro Pike, Forestville, MD 20747
WHO Teams representing union and teacher leaders, school and district administration, and school board members.
DETAILS Prince George’s County Educators’ Association is hosting this meeting. Lunch will be included. To register to attend the meeting, please use the following link:
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Laura Sestak at laura.sestak@cecillinois.org or Annette Williams at williamsa@pgcea.org.
Rick Baumgartner, Mid-Atlantic TURN Regional Coordinator Randgbaum@verizon.net
Kenneth Haines, PGCEA President hainesk@pgcea.org